Friday, December 8, 2006

Retailers aren't "being inclusive", they're avoiding having to write "CHRIST"

As is usual with retailers, Microsoft's XBOX website tells its customers to "Have yourself an XBOX 360 Holiday", missing the perfect slogan opportunity for "XBOX XMAS", instead opting for for political correctness.

The website goes further downhill by saying "Gamers tell Trixie what they're hoping to find under the tree this holiday." What holiday? Obviously it can't be Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, or New Year's because they said "under the TREE". God knows, maybe they're trying to be sensitive to neo-Pagans who might still celebrate the ancient Yule or Winter Solstice Festival. Yeesh!. This just further proves that companies are willing to cash in on promoting the aspects of Christmas (i.e.–Christmas trees, Santa Claus, Christmas lights) but somehow calculate that using the term "Christmas" along with these Christmas aspects might alienate 4% of the non-Christmas celebrating population. Well guess what—having a CHRISTMAS TREE and SANTA CLAUS in your promotions already sends those people the message that you're promoting Christmas!

I guess what I'm saying here is that it's becoming very, very apparent that retailers (and others) are not trying to "be inclusive" when they avoid the term "Christmas" as they claim, but they're trying to avoid a direct association with Jesus (i.e.–Christmas) and still be able to rake in profits from the 96% of Americans who spend their Christmas dollars this season. Makes me want to throw up! They know that nobody's going to question them because they're "being diverse", so they are thus able to get away with avoiding the term Christmas at the same time that they promote Santa Claus and Christmas trees (for example, Best Buy has Santa and Christmas trees and music in their TV ads). Retailers get their cake and eat it too—they get away with avoiding Jesus and raking in profits from his huge amount of followers at the same time! What a bargain for those secular progressives!

As a final note to push my point home about the "inclusiveness" scam, I will direct you to "", whereas they give you the option of choosing an "Occasion", and then they have a list of holidays like Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year's. Click on Kwanzaa, it directs you to a "Kwanzaa" section. Click on Hanukkah, it directs you to a "Hanukkah" section. Click New Year's and it directs you to "New Year's Day" section — and, as you probably have already guessed — click on "Christmas" and it directs you to ...
a "Holiday" section. Yep. That's right. They have divided up all the holidays of the season but still call the Christmas-specific section "Holiday". What the hell is that about?!

Christmas is UNDER ATTACK!


LeeAnna said...

Gwash guys.
Christ is taken out of EVERYTHING.
Whatever people can do to suck him out of America's eyes and ears, they will do!


Kingdom Advancer said...

Unbelievable--well, actually, yeah, it IS believable now-a-days, I guess.

Good post. Keep up the good work.

Keith M. said...

Yeah, I think His name is being excluded in more places than we know.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if all these retailers realize that 96% of the country celebrates Christmas...but if they did it likely wouldn't change anything. :( Sigh.