The attack is on CHRISTIANITY
The Chicago Field Museum is the most anti-Christian organization I've ever come across. It is promoting a "Winter Holiday sale", while at the same time they are using "Common Era" dating for years prior to the year 1 (prior to Christ). For example, they will use "400 BCE" instead of "400 BC". "BC" of course means Before Christ, and "BCE" means Before the Common era. For example, this year is 2006 AD because it's 2,006 years since the birth of Jesus. But they would call it "2006 CE" or "2006 years since the common era". Why is there EVEN an alternative to BC and AD? Because it "offends non-Christians" that's why...WHAT??? Saying "400 BC" offends non-Christians? What about the fact that the days of the week are named after Nordic and Roman gods? For example, Wednesday is named after the Nordic god "Wodin"....but how many "non-Nordic alternative" systems are we seeing? NONE!!!
Apparently it's okay to offend non-Nordics when saying the days of the week, but it's not okay to offend non-Christians when saying the years prior to the year 1. But we say the days of the week almost EVERY DAY, and we RARELY EVER talk about years prior to the year 1, or "Before Christ".
My friends, these wars on Christmas and the Christian dating system are CONCERTED EFFORTS TO ABOLISH CHRISTIANITY FROM AMERICA (and the English-speaking world).
God help us all. Oh, and I must add — they are open 364 days of the year.... what day are they closed? Christmas Day!!! How unbelievably HYPOCRITICAL!