More Than One Way to War on Christmas
From Pushing Back the Frontiers of Ignorance and :
"A Muslim convert who talked about his desire to wage jihad against civilians was charged Friday in a plot to set off hand grenades at a shopping mall during the Christmas rush, authorities said.
Investigators said Derrick Shareef, 22, of Rockford, was acting alone and never actually obtained any grenades.
"He fixed on a day of December 22nd on Friday ... because it was the Friday before Christmas and thought that would be the highest concentration of shoppers that he could kill and injure," said Robert Grant, the agent in charge of the Chicago FBI office. Authorities said Shareef had been under investigation since September, when he told an acquaintance that "he wanted to commit acts of violent jihad against targets in the United States as well as commit other crimes." "
I know this doesn't have much to do with what we traditionally think of as the War on Christmas, but I found it intriguing anyway. I just wonder what some stores would say his reasoning was: "Because it was the Friday before December 25th" ; "Because it was the Friday before 'The Holidays'" ; "Because it would've been the holiday rush" ; "Because people would've been doing their last minute shopping before December 24th." Please...
The heart of America (Christians, traditionalists, and even some moderates) is fighting two battles simultaneously: one against secular-progressives and one against Islamic Fascists. One is trying to push Christians and traditionalists (and their beliefs and views) out of the public eye and square and into a dark, hidden corner--provided that they still get our money--and the other is trying to kill us. Both clearly disdain our faith and our views. While one might try to openly deny it, the other doesn't mind blatantly calling us "The Great Satan" and calling for "jihad." One seems to somewhat accept all religions except fundamentalist Christianity, and the other despises all religions except Islam.
~Kingdom Advancer
Good post. And it just makes me sick to think that both of these issues are being DENIED so much. Look at Rosie O'Donnell, who said CHRISTIAN "extremists" are more dangerous than MUSLIM extremists...ARGH!!! Yeah, I can sure see the evidence of that, last night my fundamentalist Christian neighbor slaughtered 3,000 people, yeah, sure. WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICA? And as for the secular-progressive assault on Christian views, it's continuing without a hitch because they've been very successful in convincing the general public (including MANY Christians) that saying CHRISTMAS is OFFENSIVE. Yeah, like saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS" is parallel with saying "GO [bleep] YOURSELF"...But really, how many times do you catch yourself saying "holiday" instead of "Christmas"? Do we do that for any other holiday? Thanksgiving? New Year's? NO. Agghh, this country is so screwed up!
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